
Showing posts from January, 2025

Everyday Struggles & The Importance of Optimism

Hi there, DeEzye Tribe!  Hope you are all well, First, I want to express my adoration for you all. I believe in each and every one of you!  Over-Documenting: I assume most of you want to see my creative process of making a beat/track in the studio. Unfortunately, I don’t feel comfortable sharing this process (like Mac) as it is a personal experience. Think of it this way, every note and instrument is an auditory expression of my innermost emotions at that time. So, when I record my music, I create it for myself first, as I want it to be an accurate reflection of myself. Whereas, if I am recording myself with a camera, I begin to make what I expect people would want. I also struggle to be in a peaceful state of mind during these times as I feel like I must perform and hurry. I believe this is relevant to all kinds of art forms. Pressure: Pressure can be good, but too much can stifle the creative process and anyone’s confidence or rational thought. I have noticed that the most ...

Expanding & Progressing

Hey DeEzye Tribe, Welcome back! During this past week, I have had some time to reflect on my ongoing transformation to become someone I want to be and am proud of. My aura is changing. People genuinely see my true self, and now I am vulnerable and not afraid to express my happiness with a smile. ☺ Mindful Eating: I have also become more grateful for the small things in life, like my food, coming to terms with the fact that it is not just food but a life/organism that has sacrificed itself to enter my digestive system and provide me with the nutrients I need for the day. I am not a heavily religious person by any means. However, I now say a quick prayer (in my head) before devouring my food in seconds (I’m working on this), as I witnessed many people perform this act during my holiday. After doing so, I asked a local man, “Why do you do this every time before eating?” he responded, “It’s all about respecting the dead and giving it appreciation”. I began to wonder about this... Think of ...

New Year New Me & You

Hi there everyone! From now on, I will write a weekly blog explaining the life lessons I have learned and the challenges and successes of music production. This week, I have personally felt myself grow in so many ways. However, this journey to equanimity has still only just begun. I know we will have some bad days this year, but there will always be a joyous day around the corner. During those bad days, it will take a lot of mental strength to recognise that it is a bad day. To rectify these days, focus on starting and ending your day by meditating using the Wim Hoff Breathing Method .  I  understand that this cannot be done in some settings, so for these times, focus on removing yourself briefly from a stressful situation,  Box Breathing , and staying calm (no matter what), as stress  now seems pointless.  If other people or insignificant things bother you, ask yourself why you are stressed or angry? Usually, it is because we attach emotion to such things. Wh...