Everyday Struggles & The Importance of Optimism
Hi there, DeEzye Tribe! Hope you are all well, First, I want to express my adoration for you all. I believe in each and every one of you! Over-Documenting: I assume most of you want to see my creative process of making a beat/track in the studio. Unfortunately, I don’t feel comfortable sharing this process (like Mac) as it is a personal experience. Think of it this way, every note and instrument is an auditory expression of my innermost emotions at that time. So, when I record my music, I create it for myself first, as I want it to be an accurate reflection of myself. Whereas, if I am recording myself with a camera, I begin to make what I expect people would want. I also struggle to be in a peaceful state of mind during these times as I feel like I must perform and hurry. I believe this is relevant to all kinds of art forms. Pressure: Pressure can be good, but too much can stifle the creative process and anyone’s confidence or rational thought. I have noticed that the most ...