Expanding & Progressing
Hey DeEzye Tribe,
Welcome back!
During this past week, I have had some time to reflect on my ongoing transformation to become someone I want to be and am proud of. My aura is changing. People genuinely see my true self, and now I am vulnerable and not afraid to express my happiness with a smile. ☺
Mindful Eating:
I have also become more grateful for the small things in life, like my food, coming to terms with the fact that it is not just food but a life/organism that has sacrificed itself to enter my digestive system and provide me with the nutrients I need for the day. I am not a heavily religious person by any means. However, I now say a quick prayer (in my head) before devouring my food in seconds (I’m working on this), as I witnessed many people perform this act during my holiday. After doing so, I asked a local man, “Why do you do this every time before eating?” he responded, “It’s all about respecting the dead and giving it appreciation”. I began to wonder about this... Think of all the food you have eaten and not paid respect to, or even acknowledge that this animal or organism has sacrificed its life for us all to survive and live. Upon reflection, I recognise countless times I have looked at my food as just food. From this, I realised that this is just one aspect of life I have missed in understanding the bigger picture.
Why I Stopped Releasing Music Weekly:
Sometimes, one track may take days or weeks to understand the direction that it should go and what accompaniment is needed to achieve the tone that you envision. As a result of social media and the internet, it has become extremely obvious that there is a tendency for immediate gratification, which is how we have been conditioned to think. After three months of releasing music, I have noticed that if I give myself time to live, enjoy the simple things in life, and progress myself, the music will become more curated to my tastes, and my creative flow will not be stifled.
Overburdening Myself:
Due to setting the weekly commitment to creating music, I focused on rushing projects as I began to think, “The more, the better.” However, quality came at a cost. For that, I apologise not only to you all but also myself. Like Macbeth, ambition certainly got the better of me. This ambition led to burnout, which made me understand:
“Sh*t don’t always connect as soon as you press play,
At times you gotta step away, do some livin’
Let time provide a new prescription, givin’ truer vision”
(J. Cole, let . go . my . hand)
Additionally, after watching a breakdown of the classic Beatles song “Here Comes the Sun,” I truly began to understand the time it can take to craft a timeless masterpiece and the required mental state. I am not saying it will take me months to create one track. However, I will create one when I know I am in the correct mindset and on my own terms.
Ultimately, I want to be proud of my music, make it unique, and not succumb to one genre. I want to be open to all genres and perspectives, as this is a mindset I know I live by.
Thank you for your time & I appreciate you all!
Oh, and don’t forget...
Keep The Vibes Alive In 2025
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