Addiction In Desires

Welcome Back, DeEzye Tribe,

Once again, thank you for tuning in. I hope you consistently achieve your goals and become your best self. We are on this journey together! 

5 Key Desires of Humanity (as I have observed):

1. The desire for meaning: As humans, the vast majority of us assume that there is meaning in everything; things in life have no meaning, like a deck of cards, for instance, as these are only given meaning once someone assigns a game to play, a trick, or finds meaning in a pattern. Another example is that while I surf, I find meaning in the wave variation, seeing this as a reflection of life. Bigger waves will come in due time, and when that set does come, don’t panic; stay calm, and before you know it, you’ll be on the other side. Waves have no meaning at the end of the day; however, they do have a purpose. Essentially, meaning is not created. It is found, and when it is found, we must decipher whether it is worth it or genuine and not just a reflection of what we want to tell ourselves.

2. The desire to not feel alone in emotions & life choices: When people have no meaning or hope, they can exert their inner insecurities on others. For example, if they are scared of the world or for any reason, they can project deep fears or lash out to make others (us) scared too. This makes sense, as people want to feel like they are not alone. This is also a deeply rooted survival mechanism; we begin to feel vulnerable if we feel different or alone in emotions and life choices. However, if we are unique in comparison to others, embrace it (being depressed, judgemental and self-obsessed is not unique). Suppose you are optimistic, loving, caring, positive, respectful, empathetic, and a great person to be around. In that case, you are unique, and you shouldn’t let anyone mould you or subconsciously change your inner chemistry. You truly are unique, even if you feel alone. You are one in a million, and that’s ok! If you are not this why not start making a change today?

3. The desire to find love: I personally found that I had to experience lust so many times in my life until I truly understood what love is (a deep interconnection of souls). Lust and love are easily misconstrued, but once we realise that lust is just an attachment to the idea and a lie we tell ourselves, we can truly find out what love means and feels like. 

How to identify if you are in a relationship of lust:

- You rushed into it too quickly
- Behind closed doors, your relationship is highly stressful (red flag)
- You were rebounding quickly
- You entered the relationship because you felt like you needed someone to lift you up or change your mental state (you should be able to do this on your own, without relying on your partner for this)
- Similarly, you entered the relationship based on desperation, as you are addicted to not feeling alone
- You entered the relationship based on sex and physical attraction only (this will only get you so far, trust me)

4. The desire to be liked: In this modern era, it is easy to assume that many people do not want us if we don’t have excessive likes or followers on social media platforms. This is incorrect; maybe the right people and community haven’t discovered you yet. Also, some people may not like you. Do you think you can change their mind? And really, is it worth your time and energy? The answer is always no. Just keep doing your own thing, never give up, and just focus on building a portfolio for your passion.

Additionally, never seek validation from anyone else or social media. Seek it from yourself, and be proud of yourself and your contribution to society. It is incredibly addictive to hear that someone likes your post or story and gives a positive comment. So, like any drug that induces a dopamine effect, never let this be why you should feel happy or melancholic about yourself; just say “thank you” (even to any negative comment) and move on. Sustainable positive affirmation only comes from within.

5. Freedom & Autonomy: People long for control over their lives; they can make choices, express themselves, and pursue their goals without restriction. Freedom fosters individuality and self-autonomy. However, freedom can also be daunting as there are many ways to go, and finding the path that will give you a sense of freedom can be challenging. For anyone struggling with mental health, these times of freedom (i.e. unemployment or travelling) can provide us with time to realise an incredible amount about ourselves. In other words, if you are anxious, this will become heightened, and it will take great mental fortitude to overcome this. This can be done by imagining a third eye looking at you and observing your inner thoughts. This third eye should provide external perspectives to your thoughts and feelings and never reaffirm irrational thinking. 

Overall, the best part of freedom is that we can decide all our own actions, where we want to go and who we want to be. Once we do this and are in tune with our mind, body and soul, we can foster a sense of happiness.

These desires often overlap, and their importance varies between individuals and cultures. Which of these do you think is the strongest motivator in your own life?

                   ***Feel free to comment if you have any more observations concerning these***

Keep The Vibes Alive In 2025

Over & Out...


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