New Year New Me & You

Hi there everyone!

From now on, I will write a weekly blog explaining the life lessons I have learned and the challenges and successes of music production.

This week, I have personally felt myself grow in so many ways. However, this journey to equanimity has still only just begun. I know we will have some bad days this year, but there will always be a joyous day around the corner. During those bad days, it will take a lot of mental strength to recognise that it is a bad day. To rectify these days, focus on starting and ending your day by meditating using the Wim Hoff Breathing Methodunderstand that this cannot be done in some settings, so for these times, focus on removing yourself briefly from a stressful situation, Box Breathing, and staying calm (no matter what), as stress now seems pointless. If other people or insignificant things bother you, ask yourself why you are stressed or angry? Usually, it is because we attach emotion to such things. Why can’t we just be observers? For example, why do we immediately think about the negative outcomes of getting let go from a job? Why not the opportunities it could bring? (Hypothetical example)

If you feel stress constantly, it is your body’s way of telling yourself that...

- You have overcommitted

- You have too much FOMO

- You are comparing yourself to too many people

- You have set unrealistic standards for yourself

- You need to organise yourself

- And, most of all, you are not living in the present (you have either gone too far into the future or into the         past)

Living In The Present:

Have you ever paid attention to a bird’s or a cat’s mental state? They are not worried about whatever happened yesterday; they are always in the present, thinking about the basic necessities for them to live, such as food, water, sleep, and affection. Now, I’m not saying we should be like them 100%, but in essence, you need to be in the present to really enjoy this life. Why waste your precious hours worrying about other people, gossiping, judging, reliving old negative experiences, and stressing about the future? The future is always going to be uncertain. 

The Future Is Uncertain:

Ask yourself, where will you be in the next 10 years? You don’t know, right? That’s the beauty of it all—it’s all about the journey. I am ready to keep doing what I do, even if it takes me 15+ years. Are you? It’s about personal growth, resilience, persistence, and the life lessons that will be learnt along the way. 

Ask yourself this question. Will you live a life of regret if you don’t follow your chosen path? 

Even if we don’t make it (which I highly doubt because we are all in this together now), I will be extremely proud of us all. At least I am giving it a good crack. All I can ask is for you to join me and do the same.

If you think you don’t like your current path in life, imagine Wim Hoff’s calming voice saying, “That’s okay.” You can always change your path, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t worthwhile. With any path in life, there are always things to learn and experiences to cherish. It’s never too late to create change, but you must be that catalyst.

The Effect Of Music:

Over the past few years of creating music, I have realised the effect that it can have on your mental health. At the end of 2024, I was in a terrible headspace as I had a narrow view of life and what everyone was thinking about me (due to social media, but that’s another story). Because of this, I created an album that had an extremely negative tone (Deep Dream). Upon reflection after the album release, I could see that my mental health had taken a turn for the worse. Because of this, I did question whether I wanted to remove the album altogether. However, I didn’t, as this was a crucial chapter in my life. 

Moving on from this, I know now that continuing to create uplifting, LoFi, meditative music will assist not only my mental health but also yours. I would rather spread positivity and relaxing vibes, as this is more of what the world needs. 


I am extremely excited about this year and for what is to come, but excitement also comes with a little bit of nerves. However, I won’t let this get the better of me, and I hope this is the same for you.

Much love & I appreciate you all!

Keep The Vibes Alive In 2025


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