
Showing posts from February, 2025

Discipline, Motivation & Autonomy

Welcome Back DeEzye Tribe! I hope you all had a great week and an even better weekend. Discipline Vs. Motivation: Image By: Osmani, A. (2023). Motivation alone is not enough. This week, I have focused on my discipline rather than just motivation, as motivation will only get you so far. Discipline in my actions and habits creates a new circadian rhythm that I abide by closely. When I am not feeling motivated, my discipline will get me out of bed and achieve the goals that I have set for myself. However, on Wednesday, I struggled to wake up, and I caved to my laziness and slept in. I know my body was incredibly fatigued that morning, but I could have pushed through this with my own self-discipline. From then on, I have been focusing on not letting my mind dictate when I should get up. I want my body to know exactly when I should be getting up and the one day a week I can sleep in (Saturday mornings from now on). I know my body can...

Identifying When Change Is Necessary

Welcome back, DeEzye Tribe! I hope you all have had a great week! If not, I’m sure this upcoming week will be better. Change: This week, I finally began a new job. It feels so good to change from my previous exploitative job as the environment began to have a ripple effect on me. If you think the same, why not start your search for a job that caters to your needs? In my opinion, it is not worth it to just stay at a job if it brings no fulfilment. Now, I know some people have no choice and sometimes just have to work any job to pay the bills, but if it doesn’t provide you with the essentials of a workplace, is it really worth your time and energy? And should you start looking elsewhere? Essentials Of A Workplace: Now, this isn’t rocket science or anything new. However, I have narrowed this list down to five things that I believe are absolutely essential in every workplace: 1. Healthy Work Environment: I actively seek a positive, inclusive, and respectful workplace that does not create r...

Health & Melodies

Hey there DeEzye Tribe, Once again, I hope you all are killing it and spreading positivity and optimism! Health: Over this past week, I have again evolved and become more confident in who I am and my direction in life. I can also feel my body thanking me for everything I have eaten and done recently. I have reduced my intake of processed foods and strictly followed my morning routine (except for today, as I was out and about and only had time for Wim and a run-swim run). Next week, I will focus on adding one more crucial step to my morning routine: upper-body weight training. However, I am not doing this weight training to be extremely jacked because this is not me. Instead, I will consciously sculpt my body to my desired physique regardless of external factors. I still take pride in being lean, but I want to find that happy medium. I personally look at myself as clay on the potting mixer; every action I make (even if it is subtle) will make a huge difference, and I can create myself i...

Addiction In Desires

Welcome Back, DeEzye Tribe, Once again, thank you for tuning in. I hope you consistently achieve your goals and become your best self. We are on this journey together!  5 Key Desires of Humanity (as I have observed): 1. The desire for meaning: As humans, the vast majority of us assume that there is meaning in everything; things in life have no meaning, like a deck of cards, for instance, as these are only given meaning once someone assigns a game to play, a trick, or finds meaning in a pattern. Another example is that while I surf, I find meaning in the wave variation, seeing this as a reflection of life. Bigger waves will come in due time, and when that set does come, don’t panic; stay calm, and before you know it, you’ll be on the other side. Waves have no meaning at the end of the day; however, they do have a purpose. Essentially, meaning is not created. It is found, and when it is found, we must decipher whether it is worth it or genuine and not just a reflection of what we wa...