Discipline, Motivation & Autonomy
Welcome Back DeEzye Tribe! I hope you all had a great week and an even better weekend. Discipline Vs. Motivation: Image By: Osmani, A. (2023). Motivation alone is not enough. AddyOsmani.com. https://addyosmani.com/blog/motivation/ This week, I have focused on my discipline rather than just motivation, as motivation will only get you so far. Discipline in my actions and habits creates a new circadian rhythm that I abide by closely. When I am not feeling motivated, my discipline will get me out of bed and achieve the goals that I have set for myself. However, on Wednesday, I struggled to wake up, and I caved to my laziness and slept in. I know my body was incredibly fatigued that morning, but I could have pushed through this with my own self-discipline. From then on, I have been focusing on not letting my mind dictate when I should get up. I want my body to know exactly when I should be getting up and the one day a week I can sleep in (Saturday mornings from now on). I know my body can...