Health & Melodies

Hey there DeEzye Tribe,

Once again, I hope you all are killing it and spreading positivity and optimism!


Over this past week, I have again evolved and become more confident in who I am and my direction in life. I can also feel my body thanking me for everything I have eaten and done recently. I have reduced my intake of processed foods and strictly followed my morning routine (except for today, as I was out and about and only had time for Wim and a run-swim run). Next week, I will focus on adding one more crucial step to my morning routine: upper-body weight training.

However, I am not doing this weight training to be extremely jacked because this is not me. Instead, I will consciously sculpt my body to my desired physique regardless of external factors. I still take pride in being lean, but I want to find that happy medium. I personally look at myself as clay on the potting mixer; every action I make (even if it is subtle) will make a huge difference, and I can create myself into The Statue of David one day (minus you know what...). This will take patience, resilience, planning and most likely, a bit of money to do so. 

All I know now is that these steps will help me achieve a physique that I am deeply proud of and assist me in reaching my desired capabilities for life. 


I have recently been focusing on practising and improving my guitar skills as I want to make a meditative track using this instrument. At the beginning of the week, I tried to record the track from start to finish, but I have realised that fingerstyle can, at times, be the most challenging style of guitar playing, especially when the track does not have all the usual accompanying instruments to distract the listener. So as a result, I spent most of my personal music production time becoming smoother with my chord transitions and playing alongside a metronome set at 50BPM. 

During these sessions, I have become more confident in varying the Melodies and creating a creative flow as my fingers began to move quickly and precisely (regarding guitar). This has resulted in me noticing that when I record, the Melody blends seamlessly with its accompaniment and accentuates the tone rather than overpowering it. This is because the Melody matches the velocity of the other accompaniment.

As a result, I am looking forward to the progression of the Melodies and seeing where they will go. I also feel confident that consistency and always practising to be better will exceed my expectations.

Keep The Vibes Alive In 2025

Over & Out...


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