Discipline, Motivation & Autonomy

Welcome Back DeEzye Tribe!

I hope you all had a great week and an even better weekend.

Discipline Vs. Motivation:

Image By: Osmani, A.
(2023). Motivation alone is not enough. AddyOsmani.com. https://addyosmani.com/blog/motivation/

This week, I have focused on my discipline rather than just motivation, as motivation will only get you so far. Discipline in my actions and habits creates a new circadian rhythm that I abide by closely. When I am not feeling motivated, my discipline will get me out of bed and achieve the goals that I have set for myself. However, on Wednesday, I struggled to wake up, and I caved to my laziness and slept in. I know my body was incredibly fatigued that morning, but I could have pushed through this with my own self-discipline. From then on, I have been focusing on not letting my mind dictate when I should get up. I want my body to know exactly when I should be getting up and the one day a week I can sleep in (Saturday mornings from now on).

I know my body can do this. I just have to follow my daily routine closely, even if I have had a big night out or day. My discipline will get me to where I want to be and give me the tools for every avenue in life. Earlier this week I heard a quote that is my new mantra in the mornings, "I was not made to get comfortable in bed" (Daily Stoic Podcast). So, next time that I feel comfortable or like I should sleep in, I will replay this quote in my head to reinforce my discipline. It is so simple, but that’s why it is genius.


After talking about humanity’s desires a few weeks back, I noticed that we feel like we are autonomous because we have a choice in our lives, but even after we make a choice on our direction in life, we are unfortunately not autonomous. For example, Kevin Parker (Tame Impala) lives a very secluded lifestyle, although he still needs to collaborate with other artists, distributors, and agents and meet deadlines, sales targets and streams to become self-sufficient. To me, autonomy is when you can create and work without these external pressures, but like most established celebrities, they begin to realise that being self-sufficient is boring and not rewarding; we need direction and people to tell us what to do. Inherently, we need to collaborate with other people and work for other people’s sake because we won’t get the satisfaction we are looking for if we just do everything for ourselves. 

Just a short one this week. Next week, I will do a recap of my musical progression and lessons learned.

Keep The Vibes Alive In 2025

Over & Out...


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