Identifying When Change Is Necessary
Welcome back, DeEzye Tribe!
I hope you all have had a great week! If not, I’m sure this upcoming week will be better.
This week, I finally began a new job. It feels so good to change from my previous exploitative job as the environment began to have a ripple effect on me. If you think the same, why not start your search for a job that caters to your needs? In my opinion, it is not worth it to just stay at a job if it brings no fulfilment. Now, I know some people have no choice and sometimes just have to work any job to pay the bills, but if it doesn’t provide you with the essentials of a workplace, is it really worth your time and energy? And should you start looking elsewhere?
Essentials Of A Workplace:
Now, this isn’t rocket science or anything new. However, I have narrowed this list down to five things that I believe are absolutely essential in every workplace:
1. Healthy Work Environment: I actively seek a positive, inclusive, and respectful workplace that does not create rifts between other departments or employees. You can tell if you are in a positive work environment if your colleagues come into work smiling, refreshed and talkative.
2. Growth & Development: In every place I work, I want to see a clear path to where I can see potential advancements (such as promotions) and receive adequate training and mentoring to excel in all aspects. I also thrive if I have an incentive (i.e. commission or even a box of chocolates). Without these incentives, I will still work hard, but this will only last so long until I feel too stagnant and like there is no recognition (which leads me to my next point).
3. Recognition: This is key to me as I have seen the effects of recognising and thanking fellow colleagues for even the most minimal of jobs. Doing this is so simple, but it is often the most overlooked and can result in fostering a positive environment where colleagues not only feel respected but also feel as though they have a purpose. No one wants to be that underappreciated cog in the machine.
4. Effective Leadership & Communication: An effective leader is an efficient one who will explain something correctly and not overly fast to ensure that the employee understands 100% the first time. If you have to keep going back and forth with your leader to rediscuss a certain issue/facet they have previously explained, then the employer has not communicated effectively and efficiently, leading to double handling.
5. Autonomy & Trust: I have found that micromanagement will stifle any employee’s creativity, confidence and autonomy. If I have someone looking over my shoulder while doing a task, I will begin to get nervous, occasionally leading to mistakes. Whereas, if I have an employer who trusts me in my processes and lets me be independent, I am 10 times more likely to perform at a higher level. Trust is huge for me; if an employer shows that they trust me, I will do anything within my power not to jeopardise it, allowing me to take ownership of my work and decisions.
Scoping Out The Workplace:
It is extremely difficult to identify if a new workplace is adhering to these, although there are some things I look out for when I am scoping out a business:
- How does the boss communicate with their staff?
- Do the employees look happy, refreshed, and friendly? Also, what is their body language telling you?
- Eavesdrop on an employee and customer interaction. Did it seem like the employee cared?
- Is it organised? Or are there things everywhere? (This can tell a lot about the work ethics of the team and their priorities)
Finally, I hope today’s blog helps at least one person leave their stifling job and strive for a better life; keep evolving and searching for the perfect fit. It will be there waiting for you. You just have to go find it.
Keep The Vibes Alive In 2025
Over & Out...
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