Growth No Matter What
Hey DeEzye Tribe,
Welcome back! I hope the past 2 weeks have been kind to you all!
Growth No Matter What:
in case you haven't noticed, I broke my foot 6 days ago and I have been in a moon boot and crutches from then until now. This was a major setback as I wanted to complete Laps For Life. As of next week I will make an effort to get back in the pool and not use my right leg because I do not want to give this up, because it is too important to so many people. However, I will not be able to do this daily as I will need someone to drive me to the pool and back.
Aside from the swimming and running, I have been curating a free-weight workout and doing rehab when possible. I want to use this time to build my upper body strength and muscle mass. I know if I do this workout (as seen on instagram) 6 days a week I will significantly change my physique. This upcoming week I will also add a 2km spin bike ride to my workout routine as to optimise my cardio.
This injury has taught me a lot in this short time as I am now more observant and empathetic (not that I wasn't in the first place) for other people in society with disabilities. I have also learnt that there is no point in getting annoyed at my own injury as this will only make me feel worse. At the end of the day sh*t happens and the faster I move on and channel my focus elsewhere, the sooner this short period of inconvenience will be over.
Musical Progression:
During the past two weeks I have been focusing on just creating and laying all my ideas down in Logic pro. Because of this it removes the monotonous stages of audio editing and just allows myself to excerpt my ideas in their truest form. I have found that creating music now is more a meditative practice rather than just hours of editing. Even the editing stage can be meditative at times, because it is all about being in the present and achieving the required sound whilst using techniques that reduce the mental effort that you have to put into a track. Rick Rubin reinforces this idea (tiktok podcast clip) as he is a minimalist and believes in getting from start to finish using only essential elements and instruments. I also believe that if you over-edit and continually tweak certain things you are steering away from the initial vision and it becomes a cluttered representation of yourself.
Create, Create, Create:
The more ideas that I get down, the more I am bound to stumble across great tracks. As soon as I stop doing this it becomes difficult to get back into the swing of things. My creativity has been at an all time high lately, and I think this has a lot to do with my 6 day morning routine. As soon as I wake up I do a 20min meditation, make a cup of herbal tea (decaffeinated) and then start creating using whatever instrument grabs my attention first. I am a strong believer that your most productive hours (at least for me) are in the early morning as your body may be tired but I guarantee you your mind is not.
If you are a late riser or a chronic snoozer (like I was) all it takes is 21 days of dedication and you will create a new circadian rhythm for yourself.
I look forward to updating you all in two weeks time about my upcoming documentaries
Keep The Vibes Alive In 2025
Over & Out...
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